"Montessori như là đường dẫn để tôi có thể trả lời tất cả những câu hỏi khác trong cuộc sống. Montessori không chỉ giúp tôi hiểu con và những nguyên nhân phía sau hành vi bất ổn của con, mà còn giúp tôi hiểu hơn những người lớn xung quanh. Tôi có thể hiểu được những tổn thương thời thơ ấu ảnh hưởng đến người lớn hiện tại như thế nào. Từ đó, tôi có thể cảm thông và chấp nhận sự khác biệt của người khác."
"Montessori, as a gateway, through which I can answer all of my questions related to my personal life. Learning Montessori method not only helps me understand my child and the sciences behind his behaviors, but it also helped me to better understand other adults around. I can understand how childhood traumas affect current adults. Since then, I can empathize and accept other people's differences."
"Những giá trị tuyệt vời trong hành trình Montessori với VMC và IMC không chỉ đến từ việc tôi học, hiểu và ứng dụng được những kiến thức đúng đắn về trẻ, tâm lý trẻ, quá trình phát triển của trẻ, mà đó còn là cuộc cách mạng thực sự “tìm về với chính mình” diễn ra mạnh mẽ trong tôi."
"The great values in the Montessori journey with VMC and IMC not only lie in my learning, understanding and applying the right knowledge with children, child psychology, child development process, but also lie in the revolution of "finding myself" which strongly happens within me."
“Những bài giảng của Thầy, đôi khi lấy nước mắt của chúng tôi, bởi chúng tôi thấy hình ảnh của mình trong đứa trẻ bị tổn thương đó. Và Thầy luôn trả lời cũng như đưa ra các hình thức trị liệu tâm hồn mà chúng tôi cần tìm để nuôi dưỡng cho tâm hồn mình. Cũng có những bài học vang lên những trận cười giòn giã. Chia tay mỗi đợt học của Thầy trong suốt Chương trình đào tạo Giáo viên Montessori 2.5-6 của IMC là mỗi lần chúng tôi thay đổi nhiều hơn và lại mong ngóng nhanh gặp Thầy ở đợt học tiếp theo để tiếp tục được lĩnh hội những kiến thức uyên thâm và sâu sắc đó.”
“Sometimes, Ananth’s lectures brought tears to our eyes because we saw ourselves in that traumatized child. He always answered as well as offered the forms of soul therapy that we needed to nourish our souls. There were also lectures that resonate with laughter. After every time attending his contact program during IMC's 2.5 - 6 Montessori Teacher Training Program, we transformed ourselve a little more and look forward to seeing him soon in the next contact program to listen to his profound and great knowledge.”
Hi, It was indeed a delightful journey with IMTC, JP Nagar. I appreciate the support & guidance of the directors, academic coordinators and officials of the institute. During the orientation, our director Mr Anantha Padmanaban sir mentioned that, " this is not just a transaction course but a transformation course". He has proved it and eventually the whole team witnessed it. After completing the course, we get a descriptive knowledge about the montessori method of teaching and especially regarding the child psychology & the child centered approach which will be a great help for our career. They emphasis more on precision in every aspect which transforms our vision. I thank for the endless support throughout the journey
I am from the 2010-11 batch of IMTC Primary students. I look back and see how this course has helped me shape my LIFE and career over the last 11 years and am very proud of it. This kindled my interest further to do the Elementary course during 2016-17. This course has helped me grow in confidence. I now can seamlessly set up an Elementary environment, have fun while learning as well. Ms. Deepa Kamat (Deepa ma’am as we fondly call her) guided us throughout the course, making us realise how learning and teaching can be fun. This course opened the gateways in my career from a facilitator to Coordinator. Even after 6 years of completing my Elementary course, we continuously are guided through regular updates from IMTC. I also participate in annual Student files evaluation process. This again helps us understand the new experiments / presentations that happen to the newer batches. Faculty at IMTC are very helpful and are available to clarify any aspect related to Montessori framework and guide us to the right path at all times. Again, thank you Deepa ma’am for being such a wonderful teacher, guide and a fantastic friend.
I came across the Montessori method while I was working with Mahindra Retail for some online activity. Then I became a mother and wanted the best for my daughter. I joined the Primary course in 2015 under Ananth Sir and there I met Deepa Madam for one of the sessions, and I promised myself that I will surely do the Elementary Monterssori course under her at IMTC- E, Okalipuram Bangalore when the time comes. That time came when the entire world was under lockdown in 2020 but we were busy understanding the psychology of the children in the second plane of development. It was a blended course that is we had both online classes as well as hands-on classroom experience. It was an eye opener to understand how important it is for the children to learn by themselves, work in groups and explore things by themselves in a prepared environment. I would recommend this course to all adults who are around children whether in a Montessori environment or even in a traditional school setup or even at home. This course shall help adults to follow the child and let the child manifest to his/her true potential.

One of my life changing pick was to choose the IMTC- Elementary training course,in okalipuram, Bangalore . The primary concludes where Elementary embark, left me curious for more. I was happy to see the seventh batch of Indian Montessori Training Courses - Elementary program announced and within no time we were welcomed for the whole new unlearning and learning process
The prospectus consisted of Language,Mathematics,Geometry,Geography,Zoology,Botany and history which begins from nothing to everything around us. Each of the subjects were offered with great grandeur bringing out the best of me, challenging my physical, mental and emotional strength. The knowledge imparted by the mentors was overwhelming and unknowingly touching my spirits. I experienced a new me, to see my potentials being unlocked. It was too much to handle yet nothing was impossible is what we were helped to discover. I started to flap my wings to reach new highs. I started my journey with Montessori as a primary adult and by the time I completed the elementary course, I was an elementary adult guiding the young souls. My elementary director and my mentor was always there to abet my aspirations to handle a team as an elementary coordinator. stretching my wings to take off , I was soon promoted as the principal of a school.
The journey to pave new paths was not too easy but gifted me with a sense of accomplishment leading a purposeful aliveness. The extensive course don’t end with the certification, the stings are still on to upgrade self with regular file corrections with each progressive batches. I am proud to be part of this large family which is growing larger and larger creating new talents to be an important and integral part of our future generations. I have rediscovered self leading an independent and inspiring life. My heat fills with gratitude thanking IMTC Elementary course for all the lovely journey which is still on.

Elementary Training at IMTC-Bangalore, is much more than just a training! It was a great learning experience. The theory offered was in depth to prepare us for learning in different areas. It was a very well planned course for the given period. I got a very good insight of the elementary child in general. The presentations were taught in an order with all the areas. The trainers, Deepa Kamat and Netravathi took forward the training professionally by connecting all the areas through materials and presentations. All the aspects in each area was completely covered and repeated for our understanding. The critical feedback about the files/work helped me perfect myself in delivering my understanding. The focus being helping the child, was seen in every single lecture, feedback and all the interactions during the training. Overall, I can vouch that IMTC, Okalipuram is THE place for anyone who is looking forward to serve children through Montessori method. Thank you so much for helping me to equip myself to begin my journey to serve and make a difference in a child's life!

Completing the Indian Montessori course is life changing and an unparalleled experience. It made me look at life very differently and understand the development of the child in a whole new way. Apart from helping me as a professional, it made me a better parent.
The programme is extremely well planned and delivered with engaging materials. The faculty are passionate, have a deep understanding of the child and an in-depth understanding of the Montessori Method. Observation sessions with children which is an integral part of the programme gave us a glimpse of the beautiful way in which children adapt and evolve in a Montessori environment. I would particularly like to mention Ms. Deepa Kamat, the Director of IMTC- elementary in Okalipuram, Bangalore. Her passion for the Montessori method is very contagious.
The impact that the Method has on children inspired me to start a Montessori in 2006. IMTC has been supporting us all along and has also been helping us overcome obstacles in the implementation of the Montessori Method. The institute also provides us with a stream of high quality and passionate educators.
As the saying goes, we should prepare our children for the road and not the road for our children. IMTC has taught me that there is no better way of achieving this than helping the child to nurture in a Montessori environment.