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Indian Montessori Training Courses were started by Dr. Maria Montessori when she visited India in 1939.  Indian Montessori Training Courses are conducted in several cities of the country under the auspices of Indian Montessori Centre (IMC) and are comprehensive which includes theory and practicals. It prepares the students to develop to dedicate oneself in assisting the development of the child and thereby prepares to understand the skills of introducing.

Pre Primary and Elementary Courses are conducted and in short, these courses groom the student into a complete Montessori-trained adult. A diploma is awarded by IMC on course completion, which is recognized by the Government of Karnataka, India. This diploma entitles the person to work with children of ages 2.5 to 6 years old in case of Pre Primary and 6 to 12 years old in case of Elementary course.

  • Theoretical  aspects involve giving a complete view of Montessori Method, work of Dr. Montessori, Child psychology, Montessori principles and philosophy, also understanding other educational philosophers.
  • Practical aspects include concepts related to Sensorial, Arithmetic, Language, day to day life skills, Geometry, Botany, Geography, Zoology etc. the technique of presenting and handling the means of development or apparatus.
  • For all these aspects to be achieved by students in a training course, they need to have 600 hours of mandatory work which includes 450 hours of theory lectures , and 150 hours for practicals including observation
  • The Indian Montessori Training Courses are conducted in  English and in vernacular languages as well. 

Dr. Montessori left behind her follower Mr. A. M. Joosten  to continue the Training courses when she left India and later Mr. S. R. Swamy continued the work all over the country. Ms. Meenakshi  Sivaramakrishnan (Bengaluru), Ms. Uma Shanker (Chennai), Ms. Shamala Rao , Ms. Sudha Prasad (Bengaluru) and other directors in several cities have been instrumental in successfully carrying out the IMTC.