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Millions and millions of beings live on our earth. What is notable is the fact that the sensorial capacity of Man is much less in comparison to those of what we call the ‘lesser forms’ of life. For instance, the bee can smell from a long distance whereas we have to bring an object close to our nose in order to smell it. Also, when the young ones of the animals learn to live an adult life within a few hours/days, why is the human baby at birth incapable of doing what an adult would be able to? 

At birth, a human baby does not possess anything that is characteristic of the human species which are – Homo Erectus – can stand erect, Homo Sapiens – can think logically and Homo Laborans – can work purposefully. He is not capable of doing any of these at birth and yet he is classified as belonging to the family of MAN!

The child inherits only what is absolutely necessary for him to live as a human being. He has yet to build his organs – the physical and the non-physical. It is only then he can express himself. The capacity is potentially in him and the development is achieved horizontally and vertically. 

Dr. Montessori helps us understand that the apparent helpless incomplete condition helps Man to achieve his unique position in this world. The tasks that await the Child are to build himself and create a personality. This he does all by himself by absorbing all that he finds in his environment. He does the task of building his final behaviour pattern, by himself and for himself. That is why we do not find two persons exactly the same, not even identical twins!! 

The human child creates his personality at three levels. First, as a human being. From the helpless state at birth he becomes a human being, he develops using his hands for innumerable things, standing erect, walking on two legs, balancing, mastering a characteristic movement and speaking.

Second, as a member of his cultural group where he spends his early life. The spiritual heredity that is seen in children is amazing. They seem to know the way things are done around them. They seem to know even when they are not taught. For instance, a Japanese child is very comfortable using chopsticks just as much as an Indian child is adept at eating with his fingers.

Out of the millions of human beings who live on this planet, no two are the same. Even when a person speaks to us on the phone, we recognize him without setting our eyes on him. That is the uniqueness!!

In order to develop at all these levels and to create a human being as an individual and a member of the society, Man needs time and experiences. Only then an individual with a final human behaviour pattern is created. The apparent incapacity during infancy is a necessary condition for the human being to create himself and reach the top of the ladder of evolution. 

In addition to all this, the child preserves all the glorious values of the society and passes it onto the next generation. Dr. Montessori says, ‘ Whatever is worth preserving, give it to the Child. He will take it forward as part of himself.’

 Man creates himself, but adults can help. Please do.

edited from an article  by Mrs. Meenakshi Sivaramakrishnan.

*image Courtesy by  Kelly Sikkema on (Unsplash) , Nihal Karkala on (Unsplash)